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Published: May 31, 2017

Survey – Managing the security of staff with diverse profiles

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EISF is currently conducting research into how NGOs should manage the security of staff with diverse profiles, with the aim of producing a research paper on this topic for publication in early 2018. The aim of the research paper is to provide a series of tools that organisations can use to help keep staff with diverse profiles safe, while still meeting their legal and moral obligations in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion.

By ‘diverse profiles’ we mean the personal identity profiles of staff within organisations. Although GISF is interested in including all aspects of identity affecting staff security, the main focus of this research project is on ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation and gender identity. This research will build upon GISF’s previous paper on Gender and Security. The research will look at the different aspects of security risk management, from governance and recruitment to training and deployment.

EISF has commissioned an independent team of researchers to carry out this research. The research team will aim to identify examples of inclusive language in existing policies (particularly those related to security, and health and safety) from across public, private and third sector organisations.

The research will also involve key informant interviews with security managers/advisors, human resources, advocacy groups and aid workers with diverse profiles to inform the final publication, particularly in terms of identifying recommendations as well as highlighting examples of good practice already in existence.

The research team is now conducting a survey, which asks staff for their opinions and experiences of security risk management, with a particular focus on the security of staff with diverse profiles. Please do take the survey via the link below and share with colleagues!

We are interested in hearing about your experiences. Although we would like to hear from a wide range of voices, we would specifically encourage aid workers, security managers, and HR personnel with experience of how ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation, gender identity and expression affects security risk. We would also encourage staff in the public and private sectors with cross-cutting ideas and experiences to share their ideas in this survey.

Your participation will help GISF to provide better guidance to organisations on how to balance staff security while still respecting their employees’ rights to privacy, equality and inclusion.


If you would be willing to be interviewed and share your experiences to inform the research, we’d love to hear from you! Please email the research team at eisfdiverseprofiles@gmail.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to also email Adelicia, GISF’s Research Advisor.