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Humanitarian Risk Initiatives: Index Report December 2009

20 December 2009

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Humanitarian Risk Initiatives: Index Report December 2009

This report provides an index of various initiatives related to safety and security of aid agencies and their staff. The purpose of this report is to inform readers of the projects themselves, who is responsible for or participating in each project, and how people and initiatives relate to each other. The report covers ongoing projects commencing since the year 2000. It is acknowledged that not all initiatives may have been identified and included in this report.

Initiatives are categorised into three main groups:

(1) Academic research;

(2) Professional Development and Policy; and

(3) Online Projects, Social Networks & Blogs.

Suggested citation: Finucane, C. (2009) Humanitarian Risk Initiatives: Index Report December 2009. European Interagency Security Forum (EISF)


Securing aid worker safety through effective budgeting

In this article for the Crisis Response Journal, Aisling Sweeney, GISF's Communications Officer, puts forward the case for remodelling funding processes for humanitarian security risk management.