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NGO Military Contact Group Meeting Summary: Civil-Military relations in the humanitarian-development-peace Nexus

28 January 2020

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NGO Military Contact Group Meeting Summary: Civil-Military relations in the humanitarian-development-peace Nexus

The NGO-Military Contact Group (NMCG) is a neutral platform, established in 2000, and chaired by the British Red Cross as a neutral convener. The NMCG brings representatives from across the British government, including the Department for International Development (DFID), the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), together with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, humanitarian NGOs, and academic and research experts to discuss civil-military relations.

The NMCG meetings take place three times per year and focus on civil-military relations at an operational level.  Every two/three years there is an NMCG conference serving as a high-level neutral platform for discussions on civil-military relationships with thought leaders, humanitarian practitioners and those working in crisis response from a range of sectors.

The NMCG seeks to review successes, challenges and opportunities in civil-military relations, with the ultimate aim of improving policy, preparedness, and coordination in humanitarian responses for people affected by crisis.

Established in 2000, the NMCG has addressed some of the major humanitarian operations and dilemmas of our times, such as humanitarian space in Iraq, stabilisation operations in Afghanistan, civil-military coordination in Haiti, civilian protection in Syria, the Ebola crisis in West Africa and the Hurricane Response in the Caribbean.

The meeting held on November 25th, 2019, discussed The triple nexus: implications of a complementary approach to ending people’s need for principled humanitarian action.

NMCG Meetings are held under Chatham House Rule and as such we strive to avoid any specific attribution. Where an organisation is named within the report, the information attributed to the organisation is published by the organisation itself within the public domain.
