Follow the links below for further information and FAQs.

Saving Lives Together Framework | English, French & Spanish
This document details the Saving Lives Together (SLT) Framework, its objective, principles and implementation.

Saving Lives Together (SLT): FAQs
The Saving Lives Together (SLT) initiative was created to provide a framework to improve collaboration between the UN Security Management System (UNSMS), International Non-governmental Organisations (INGOs) and International Organisations (IO) in terms of common security concerns and enhancing the safe delivery of humanitarian and development assistance.

Saving Lives Together Implementation Guidelines | English, French & Spanish
This document contains guidelines for the implmentation of the 'Saving Lives Together' framework.

TESS + Project Communications | UN & SLT Coordination
The collaborative Telecommunications Security Standards (TESS) initiative aims to provide the right tools - in terms of connectivity systems, applications and procedures - for Security Communications Systems.