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Common Services Plan

As outlined in the Global COVID-19 Response Plan, WFP is setting up a comprehensive platform of services to enable the health and humanitarian community to deliver support to the most vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic, known as the Common Services Plan.

The World Food Programme (WFP), as the largest humanitarian organisation with proven expertise in supply chain and logistics, is working closely with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the UN system and other humanitarian partners to deliver a global humanitarian response to COVID-19 – as outlined in the WFP Global COVID-19 Response Plan.

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As outlined in the Global Response Plan, WFP is setting up a comprehensive platform of services to enable the health and humanitarian community to deliver support to the most vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic, known as the WFP COVID-19 Response Common Services Plan, or the ‘Common Services Plan’. Existing partnerships with the public and private sector will be leveraged and used to complement WFP’s logistics capabilities, assets, expertise and services.

Specifically, funding for the Common Services Plan will be allocated to the following activities:

  • Establish, equip and manage international consolidation hubs and regional staging areas
  • Air and shipping cargo services
  • Passenger air services
  • Medical Evacuation Services (MEDEVAC)
  • Infrastructure and construction of treatment centres
  • Real-time remote data collection and visualization
  • Critical investments required to safely deliver operations and services

Relatedly, organisations may like to explore the EU Humanitarian Air Bridge. The EU Humanitarian Air Bridge (EU HAB) is an integrated package of services to support the delivery of humanitarian aid to third countries in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. It supports the delivery of COVID-19 related equipment and other essential humanitarian supplies. EU HAB also facilitates the movement of humanitarian staff.