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COVID-19 Resource Collection

This collection of regularly-updated resources for security managers dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic includes interactive maps, datasets and analysis.


Evidence Aid COVID-19 Resources

Evidence Aid's collection on COVID-19 contains systematic reviews, guidelines and information, journal and publisher resources and non-English pages.

Risk Advisory Business Recovery Toolkit

This practical toolkit looks to address three key areas, to give you actionable takeaways that your business will benefit from – these are; Leadership, Risk Management, and Intelligence.

Sybilline COVID-19 Global Reporting

Sibylline have instituted a stream of reporting dedicated to COVID-19 that they are making freely available to help organisations dealing with the crisis. This both supplies raw data, as well as strategic analysis around the overall environment.

RSM COVID-19 Resources

Free resources to assist with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, including training videos, articles and posters.

WFP: World Travel Restrictions

Realtime information database and situation response about the global travel restrictions put into place as a response to the spread of COVID-19

ACAPS COVID-19 Resources (including government measures)

ACAPS combine qualitative and statistical sources to characterise the unfolding situation around the world in cooperation with humanitarians of all sectors. ACAPS will focus predominantly on the immediate, short and medium-term secondary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. ACAPS will produce global analysis, providing a broad overview of the situation overall, as well as context specific analysis, with a narrower focus on regions, countries and crisis hot spots. Data, reports and more are published on a weekly basis.

Community Engagement Hub resources and tools

Various tools and resources on COVID-19 from the community engagement hub hosted by the British Red Cross. Includes guidelines on addressing social stigma, myth busters and a risk register template.

New Humanitarian

Briefing on how East African countries with commercial ties to China are preparing for the arrival of 2019-nCoV.

The Global Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven Scenarios

The scenarios in this paper demonstrate that even a contained outbreak could significantly impact the global economy in the short run. These scenarios demonstrate the scale of costs that might be avoided by greater investment in public health systems in all economies but particularly in less developed economies where health care systems are less developed and popultion density is high.

Sphere Guidance Document

Sphere reviewed emerging practices in the Coronavirus outbreak response and released a 4-page document guiding you through the relevant parts of the Sphere Handbook.

Global COVID-19 Airport Status

This app displays COVID-related information per State including information on airspaces airports as available through the NOTAM service.

Worldwide COVID-19 Government Restrictions Map

Witt O’Brien’s has developed this dashboard tracking government COVID-19 restrictions, worldwide. To support response efforts and back-to-office planning they have made it publicly available.

Blog: Making Sense of COVID-19

Regularly updated blog, sponsored by DH Clamp Consulting and written by Dr. Helen Dobson, which explores various issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

British Medical Journal: COVID-19 hub

BMJ's COVID-19 hub supports health professionals and researchers with practical guidance, online CPD courses, as well as the latest news, comment, and research from BMJ. The content is free and updated daily.

Deloitte: Coronavirus Map

This interactive map offers an overview of the travel impacts, social impacts and permit impacts of COVID-19 per country.

ACLED: Regional Curated Data Files

ACLED is an event-based data project designed for disaggregated conflict analysis and crisis mapping. Data are updated weekly and can be downloaded using the Data Export Tool. Regional data files can also be downloaded.

The EU Humanitarian Air Bridge

The EU Humanitarian Air Bridge (EU HAB) is an integrated package of services to support the delivery of humanitarian aid to third countries in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. It supports the delivery of COVID-19 related equipment and other essential humanitarian supplies. EU HAB also facilitates the movement of humanitarian staff.

VOICE out loud | Special Edition: The value of NGOs humanitarian action in the era of COVID-19

VOICE out loud | Special Edition: The value of NGOs humanitarian action in the era of COVID-19

Over the last seventeen months, the expertise and professionalism of the NGO community – national and international – in responding to COVID-19 has stood out. This special edition of the VOICE out loud gathers examples from VOICE members’ projects in response to the pandemic. It merges desk research with member interviews and highlights the relevance of NGOs in times of crisis, and the importance of the humanitarian principles for these NGOs in their responses.