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Office and Building Security


Office Opening: A guide for non-governmental organisations

Office Opening: A guide for non-governmental organisations

This guide provides an easy-to-follow process detailing the recommended steps when opening an office where the property market may be complex and/or ambiguous. While the guide refers to an ‘office’, the process is equally relevant to any building e.g. accommodation, hospital, warehouse, etc.

Ouvrir un nouveau bureau : Manuel à l’attention des organisations non gouvernementales

Ouvrir un nouveau bureau : Manuel à l’attention des organisations non gouvernementales

Ce manuel a été conçu pour présenter de manière simplifiée les démarches qu’il est recommandé d’entreprendre pour ouvrir un bureau dans un pays où le marché de l’immobilier est susceptible d’être complexe et/ou confus. Bien que ce manuel fasse souvent référence à un « bureau », le processus est tout aussi pertinent pour n’importe quel type de bien, qu’il s’agisse de logements, d’hôpitaux, d’entrepôts, etc

Office Closure

Office Closure

A concise GISF Guide on the safe and secure closure of offices or programmes. Accompanied by practical tools.

Hotel Security and Safety Assessment Form

This guide helps corporate security departments, corporate travel and safety departments, event planners, meeting organisers, tour operators, and others conduct security, safety, and health surveys and assessments of hotels.

A Brief Guide to Asbestos in Emergencies: Safer Handling and Breaking the Cycle

This booklet is a simple and practical guide for transitional settlement and reconstruction practitioners. It aims to provide basic background information on asbestos and its associated health risks. It provides key recommendations for minimising the risks of dealing with asbestos in post-disaster transitional settlement and reconstruction operations and suggests further reading sources for more in-depth technical information.