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Risk assessment, analysis and thresholds.


Security Audits

Security Audits

Security Audits is a simple guide which can be used to examine the security management system of an organisation.

Évaluations de la sécurité

Évaluations de la sécurité

Évaluations de la sécurité est un guide simple qui peut aider lors de l'examen d’un système de gestion de la sécurité d'une organisation. Les ONG pourront adapter des parties de la procédure d’évaluation pour une meilleure prise en compte de la structure de gestion de l’organisation.

Auditorías de seguridad

Auditorías de seguridad

Auditorías de seguridad es una sencilla guía que puede ayudar a la hora examinar el sistema de gestión de seguridad de una organización. Las ONG pueden considerar la adaptación de partes del proceso de auditoría para reflejar mejor la estructura de gestión de su organización.

Guidance Security Assessment Tool

A tool for assessing and improving the security management & practices of both the ACT Alliance members in a specific programme country and/or its partner organisations. The tool is focused on medium and high risk countries/areas.

Scenario Planning

This note is designed to provide an introduction to scenarios, particularly for those organising or participating in country, regional or thematic scenario planning work. It suggests a choice of three possible techniques, and brings together the results and lessons from work carried out in different countries and contexts.

NGO Risk Management Principles and Promising Practice

This handbook is meant to serve as a primer and quick reference tool for humanitarian organizations on the basic principles of risk management. The handbook draws upon the findings of a 2016 study, NGOs and Risk.