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Methodology: Applying a Racial Equity Lens to Anti-Hunger Policies

Our hope is to build on this method for future projects. This methodology is offered as a possible pathway for other organizations, policymakers, and implementing agencies to use in developing a racial equity lens for their work, whether inside or…

26 Mar 2021 Resource

Using a Racial Equity Scorecard for Policy and Programs

People of color in the United States are more likely to experience hunger and poverty because of structural racism. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic reflect the impact of structural racism in our country.1 These preexisting inequities have only been…

26 Mar 2021 Resource


The manual is a compilation of many resources developed by HelpAge and other agencies to address the issue of age inclusion in disaster risk management (DRM). It customises the messages to suit the need for age inclusive DRM across Asia…

26 Mar 2021 Resource

CHS Alliance – Quick Reference Handbook

PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) is a term used by the UN and NGO community to refer to measures taken to protect vulnerable people from sexual exploitation and abuse our by own staff and associated personnel.

3 Mar 2021 Resource

Safeguarding – How to Design and Deliver Safe Programmes

This how-to note details what safe programming is, what needs to be in place to support safe programming, the importance of community engagement for safe programming and how to integrate safeguarding throughout the programme cycle. This is a generic version…

2 Mar 2021 Resource