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Time to Decolonise Aid | Report

In November 2020, Peace DirectAdeso, the Alliance for Peacebuilding and Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security held a three-day online consultation with 158 activists, decision- makers, academics, journalists and practitioners across the globe. Participants and guest contributors exchanged insights and local experiences on the current power dynamics and imbalances that exist within the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors. 

They discussed how structural racism manifests itself in their work, and how they envision a decolonised system that is truly inclusive and responds to their needs. The consultation received more than 350 detailed comments across nine discussion threads. This report presents the findings and recommendations from that consultation. 

The full report along with the summary can be downloaded on the left.

The report is also available in:










HNPW | A Person-Centred Approach to Security Risk Management | Resources

A collection of resources shared during the HNPW session A Person-Centred Approach to Security Risk Management in Humanitarian Response.

Adding to the evidence: the impact of sanctions and restrictive measures on humanitarian aid

This report captures the findings of an online survey on the impacts of sanctions and counter-terrorism (CT) restrictive measures on VOICE member NGOs, and the VOICE Webinar on EU Restrictive Measures and Humanitarian Aid: Between a principled view for exemptions and a pragmatic approach for an effective derogation process (December…