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Diversity in Risk

In this article (2019) for the Travel Risk Review, Adelicia Fairbanks, Research Advisor at GISF, discusses the changing makeup of aid organisations and associated shifts in risk profiles. You can download the article via the link below. The full Travel…

26 Mar 2019 Resource

‘Safeguarding’ as humanitarian buzzword: an initial scoping

“Suddenly, talk of ‘safeguarding’ and a sector-wide ‘safeguarding crisis’ seems to be everywhere. Grappling with the scope and content of ‘safeguarding’ as a parameter of humanitarian practice, this commentary asks questions about the framing of safeguarding as a buzzword: about…

21 Feb 2019 Resource

Lessons for Your Travel Risk Management From a Kidnap

This document (2019) describes a kidnapping incident involving an Italian construction company in Libya, which was brought to court in 2015, and outlines the lessons learned from the case for travel security management.

4 Feb 2019 Resource

Saving Guatemala’s Fight Against Crime and Impunity

This report (2018) delivers research by International Crisis Group, which has for the first time quantified the positive impact of the UN’s Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). The findings show how CICIG’s justice reform activities since 2007 helped contribute…

22 Jan 2019 Resource

Managing the Security of Aid Workers with Diverse Profiles

An aid worker’s personal security is impacted by the interplay between where the aid worker is, who they are, and their role and organisation. As employers, aid organisations have a duty of care to take all reasonable measures to protect…

20 Sep 2018 Resource