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International safety and security training (2 days)

International safety and security training (2 days) table
Start date7 Jul 2025
End date8 Jul 2025
Time9:00 am BST |4:00 AM EDT
Provider Forth Global
LocationZonheuvel, Doorn, Netherlands
Type Personal safety and security
Cost€ 1.305,- (including all materials, 1 night’ accommodation and complete care)
Booking URLhttps://forthglobal.com/training/2-day-international-safety-and-security-training/

How to deal with corruption when you are abroad? How to react when being mugged? How to remain in control, even when faced with precarious circumstances? You will learn this – and more – during the International Safety and Security training. Subscribe for this training at the bottom.

For whom: For staff travelling in urban areas in medium risk countries.

Objective of the training: The goal of this training is to increase your personal safety during travel by focusing on:

Mastering the basic principles of personal safety;
Knowing how to reduce risks during one’s stay abroad;
Influencing one’s own stress reaction;
Responding adequately to unexpected (life-)threatening situations;
Being able to act in a deescalating manner;
Knowledge and understanding of emergency and evacuation procedures;
Mastering Remote Medic skills.
Content of the training:

Risk analysis and travel preparation: You learn to make a risk analysis of the travel destination. What is your ideal travel preparation? How do you align your behaviour with the local customs and current situation?
Context analysis of your work area: Here we will focus on the local context of your area of work in relation to your activities. How are they influenced by ethnic relations? What is the political situation and how does it relate to your company? What image do people have of Western expatriates?
Dealing with aggression and crime: You learn to deal with different forms of aggression and crime. Where are your boundaries and how can you make these clear? You learn to turn risky situations into less risky ones, and how to deescalate. We will discuss common difficult situations, such as a pushy taxi driver or an aggressive beggar. Moreover, we will also train you in how to act during an armed robbery or when encountering an unexpected checkpoint and dealing with officials.
Dealing with medical emergencies: What to do when you need to apply urgent medical care, due to e.g. a car accident or injuries caused by violence? You learn to stabilise injuries according to a standard medical protocol. We also run you through a protocol for warning others in case of emergency.
Day 1 from 09am till 09pm
Day 2 from 09am till 5.30pm


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