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With regular contributions from the GISF Secretariat and guest experts, the GISF Blog explores a range of topical, contextual and theoretical developments affecting the practice of humanitarian SRM.

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World Humanitarian Day and ‘Aid in Danger’: a hard-look at violence against aid workers

Humanitarian Programmatic Issues

The aid sector will be ‘celebrating’ the World Humanitarian Day with four level 3 emergencies. On a day that commemorates the bombing of the Canal Hotel in Baghdad we should be asking ourselves, do we need more humanitarian heroes, or do we need better responses (and better security-managed assistance) to humanitarian crises?

18 Aug 2014

ALNAP’s State of the System report

Humanitarian Programmatic Issues

The State of the Humanitarian System (SOHS) report provides a system level mapping and assessment of international humanitarian assistance. It does this by defining key criteria for evaluating system performance and progress. Every 3 years the performance of the system is reassessed against these criteria and lessons learned are shared.

13 Aug 2014

Launch of the book ‘Aid in Danger’ – Tuesday 19 August, ODI

Acceptance, NGO Security Management

GISF and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) are pleased to invite you to the launch of 'Aid in Danger: The Perils and Promise of Humanitarianism' by Larissa Fast—a hard look at violent attacks against aid workers on the frontlines of humanitarian crises.

11 Aug 2014

Event report: humanitarian action in fragile contexts

Acceptance, Civil-Military, Humanitarian Programmatic Issues, Legal Obligations, Policy Guidance, Private Security Providers, Safety

On Tuesday 8th July representatives from academia, INGOs, the private sector, journalists and other interested parties gathered at King’s College London to discuss key issues around new actors and the changing humanitarian space and how they will impact on security risk management (SRM). The focal point of the evening was GISF’s report on The Future of Humanitarian Security in Fragile Contexts, written in conjunction with the Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP) at King’s College.

8 Aug 2014

New Briefing Paper: Security Risk Management and Religion

Acceptance, Humanitarian Programmatic Issues

GISF new briefing paper Security Risk Management and Religion: Faith and secularism in humanitarian assistance examines the impact that religion has on security risk management for humanitarian agencies, and considers whether a better understanding of religion can improve the security of organisations and individuals in the field.

1 Aug 2014

Security risk management for humanitarian operations and open-source social media platforms

Equipment, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance

In recent years, most humanitarian organisations have established a strong online presence, using social media platforms for information sharing, awareness-raising, and civil mobilisation. Until recently, however, the use of e-tools for programming purposes has been of a fairly ad hoc, reactive nature. There are growing concerns in the humanitarian sector about the security procedures, or lack thereof, accompanying the use of communications technology and open source platforms for aid delivery.

3 Jul 2014

Launch of GISF Report – Tuesday 8 July, King’s College London

Acceptance, Humanitarian Programmatic Issues, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance

GISF and the Humanitarian Futures Programme are pleased to invite you to a discussion on the key findings of our recent report The Future of Humanitarian Security in Fragile Contexts: An analysis of transformational factors affecting humanitarian action.

20 Jun 2014

The ‘State’ of insecurity in Syria

Humanitarian Programmatic Issues, NGO Security Management

Former UN peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has recently stated Syria is ‘going to be a failed state, with warlords all over the place’, asserting the country will soon ‘become another Somalia’. Syria entered the top five most violent aid contexts in 2012, yet the 2013 Aid Worker Security Report (AWSR) claimed it remained to be seen whether the country would follow Afghanistan and Somalia, ‘where aid workers are used as proxy targets in … warfare’. Brahimi’s predictions provide an opportunity to briefly evaluate the current state of insecurity in the country, and its implications for humanitarian operations and security risk management.

18 Jun 2014

Nouvelle publication de l’GISF: Genre et Sécurité


La nouvelle publication de l'GISF, Genre et Sécurité : Orientations pour l’intégration du genre à la gestion des risques de sécurité, propose aux ONG des lignes directrices complémentaires pour intégrer la dimension genre à la gestion des risques de sécurité, afin de combler un vide dans les publications existantes et d’émettre des recommandations vitales au niveau opérationnel.

12 Jun 2014