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Glossary English

The Global Interagency Security Forum (GISF) developed this Glossary to facilitate a common understanding of terms frequently used in security risk management.

The terms and definitions have been drawn from a range of trusted resources, including GISF’s own publications. They have also been informed by a working group of GISF members.

The GISF Glossary is available in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Arabic. The site has been designed to enable easy navigation between terms in each language, supporting more consistent and accurate communication across language barriers.

The GISF Glossary is reviewed and updated regularly, to reflect new terms and changing definitions within the security risk management sector. If you have a term you would like to add to the Glossary or a suggested amendment, please contact us through our feedback form.


first aid

Provision of immediate assistance to an ill, injured or emotionally distressed person until professional help arrives. First aid is concerned not only with resuscitation and physical illness or injury but also with other initial care, including psychological first aid (addressing the emotional and social needs of individuals). First aid interventions seek to preserve life, alleviate suffering, recognise risky contexts, prevent further illness or injury, and promote recovery.
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Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. This includes a wide range of activities such as embezzlement, identity theft, bribery, forgery, and cyber fraud.
Related terms: bribery , extortion
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