Family First: Liaison and support during a crisis addresses the stages of planning, delivery and review of Family Support by an NGO during a crisis. It is intended for CMT staff who must support the family liaison process, as well as being an aid to the family liaison staff in their role. It was written by Sara Davidson (2013).
Providing family support can be vital in the resolution of a crisis, ensuring that the agency can lead a coordinated response, that information is effectively managed, and that the agency’s duty of care obligations to the staff member and their family are fulfilled. Well managed family support during a crisis can not only mitigate the trauma to the family, but is important to maintain strong relations of trust and cooperation between the family and the organisation, which can assist in the resolution of the crisis.
The Guide was developed with practicality in mind. Tips and case-studies are provided, capturing lessons learnt from other organisations’ experiences. Tools are referenced throughout, and organisations are free to use or adapt the tools provided that GISF is acknowledged as the original source.
The associated tools can be downloaded in editable format following the links below:
- Tool 1 Policy and Procedure: some issues to consider
- Tool 2 Sample information for a personal file
- Tool 3 Proof of Life
- Tool 4 Some dos and don’ts for a Family Liaison Officer
Family First was written by Sara Davidson and edited by Ellie French of the GISF Secretariat.
The French version of the guide is featured on the side as a downloadable pdf.