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Abbott, Chris

Open Briefing is a unique not-for-profit service provider. We defend, strengthen and empower humanitarians and human rights defenders around the world by keeping them and…

8 Oct 2020 Affiliate

van ‘t Slot, Jacob

The core of our activities is Support, Train, response. Support in designing mature risk management that fits the specific organisation, pre-deployment training, such as HEAT,…

3 Jul 2020 Affiliate

Managing the Security of Aid Workers with Diverse Profiles

An aid worker’s personal security is impacted by the interplay between where the aid worker is, who they are, and their role and organisation. As employers, aid organisations have a duty of care to take all reasonable measures to protect…

20 Sep 2018 Resource

¿Qué hacer en caso de SISMO?

This document (2018) provides guidance in Spanish on the actions which should be taken before, during or after an earthquake should occur. It was developed for use in Mexico but is applicable for many other Spanish-speaking contexts.

4 Jul 2018 Resource

¿Qué hacer en caso de incendio?

This document (2018) provides guidance in Spanish on the actions which should be taken before, during or after a fire should occur. It was developed for use in Mexico but is applicable for many other Spanish-speaking contexts.

4 Jul 2018 Resource

Consejos de seguridad en el hogar

This document (2018) provides guidance in Spanish on home safety tips. It was developed for use in Mexico but is applicable for many other Spanish-speaking contexts.

4 Jul 2018 Resource