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Insecurity Insight | Earthquake-affected Populations in Syria Weary of Corruption and Favouritism in Aid Distribution

Image for Insecurity Insight | Earthquake-affected Populations in Syria Weary of Corruption and Favouritism in Aid Distribution
29 June 2023
Middle East and North Africa

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Insecurity Insight | Earthquake-affected Populations in Syria Weary of Corruption and Favouritism in Aid Distribution

This social media monitoring brief summarizes the main social media trends related to aid distribution in Syria between April 1 and May 30, 2023. The objectives of the review were to collect feedback from beneficiaries regarding humanitarian aid distribution in the aftermath of the February earthquake and to identify instances of misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation targeting the humanitarian sector. The findings indicate that earthquake-affected populations generally believe that the local distribution of international aid is plagued by corruption, fraud, and favoritism towards well-connected and affluent individuals. Additionally, humanitarian organizations like the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, who are responsible for aid distribution, are viewed as contributing to the problem of aid diversion.
