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Guide on Business Resilience for NGOs

21 May 2018

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Guide on Business Resilience for NGOs

This guide is a product of the CASSANDRA project. “CASSANDRA” is an acronym for “Continuity And Security for SMEs Active in Neutralising Dangers and Risks affecting their Activities”. The aim of the two-year project (2015-2017), which is funded as part of a “Strategic Partnership” within the EU “Erasmus+” programme, is to improve the business resilience of SMEs. This specific version is a side-product of the project and focuses on the resilience of non-governmental organisations and bodies (NGOs).

This guide focuses on and has been written for NGOs. It aims to support the needs of NGOs in the specific area of Risk Management (including Information Security and Business Continuity concerns), and to help NGOs achieve an improved level of resilience in accordance with their individual needs, capabilities and invested effort and resources.
