This paper by Ghadi Sary (2016) assesses the development of the local administration of Rojava, its context within Syria and the wider Kurdish political scene. It aims to present a different perspective on the challenges, opportunities and threats faced by local powers in Rojava throughout the Syrian conflict. The paper is based on research undertaken during a year-long fellowship, and on field interviews conducted inside and outside Syria with local actors as well as international and regional stakeholders.
Kurdish Self-governance in Syria – Survival and Ambition
- Published:
- 7 April 2017
- Region:
- Middle East and North Africa
- Topics:
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Kurdish Self-governance in Syria – Survival and Ambition
Securing aid worker safety through effective budgeting
In this article for the Crisis Response Journal, Aisling Sweeney, GISF's Communications Officer, puts forward the case for remodelling funding processes for humanitarian security risk management.