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Guidance Security Assessment Tool

25 January 2011

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Guidance Security Assessment Tool

This document (2011) provides a tool for assessing and improving the security management and practices of both the ACT Alliance members in a specific programme country and/or its partner organizations. The tool is focused on medium and high risk countries/areas.

How to use this tool? This assessment tool is meant to be completed by the ACT member’s line management, program officers and/or security focal points in a programme country or in a regional office. Initially, it is not meant as a tool for self assessment by the partner organization.

The tools has four parts: – Part A provides a guideline on how to use the assessment tool; – Part B contains a table to score the level of security management & practices per topic/indicator. On top of that, an overall security level score could be defined; – Part C contains a checklist with questions for reflection on important security management issues and to identify areas of improvement; – Part D can be used as a checklist to assess the level of security preparedness of the individual worker/ traveller; – Part E provides an explanation of the terminology used in this tool.
