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The use of explosive weapons in Syria: a time bomb in the making

Image for The use of explosive weapons in Syria: a time bomb in the making
5 June 2015
Middle East and North Africa

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The use of explosive weapons in Syria: a time bomb in the making

Based on an analysis of 77,645 incidents collected between December 2012 and March 2015, this study conducted by Handicap International in 2015 shows that explosive weapons are the most commonly used weapons in the Syria conflict with more than four out of five reported incidents related to explosive weapons.

The study further shows how the lives of civilian populations are gravely endangered as 75% of these incidents are taking place in populated areas, and highlights the need for urgent actions to protect civilians from the use of explosive weapons.The study argues that the Parties to the conflict should immediately comply with International Humanitarian Law and stop using explosive weapons in populated areas.

The study is also available to download from Handicap International website http://bit.ly/1Gy4tBY 

