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Kurdish Self-governance in Syria – Survival and Ambition

This paper by Ghadi Sary (2016) assesses the development of the local administration of Rojava, its context within Syria and the wider Kurdish political scene. It aims to present a different perspective on the challenges, opportunities and threats faced by…

7 Apr 2017 Resource

A Brief Guide to Asbestos in Emergencies: Safer Handling and Breaking the Cycle

Hazardous asbestos waste can be generated by a disaster and during search and rescue operations, clean-up operations, demolition and transitional settlement and reconstruction activities. Humanitarian organisations involved in any of the above activities need to recognise the risks associated with the…

18 Apr 2016 Resource

Understanding Attacks on Humanitarian Aid Workers

There is an increasing demand for deploying humanitarian workers to conflict-affected areas. However, this need has expanded the risk of violent attacks against staff in insecure field settings. This brief by Kristian Hoelscher, Jason Miklian and Håvard Mokleiv Nygård (2015)…

5 Jan 2016 Resource

Humanitarian Action under Scrutiny: Criminalizing Humanitarian Engagement

This working paper presents HPCR’s research (2011) to date on dilemmas arising from the intersection between, on the one hand, counterterrorism laws and policies prohibiting engagement with certain non-state entities and, on the other, humanitarian access and protection of civilians…

22 Dec 2015 Resource

Managing Risk – Why, when, how?

An ever-changing world means challenges to traveller safety that range from extreme weather conditions to civil unrest and terrorism. This document is intended to be a call to action – a risk policy is a must for any organisation that…

12 Oct 2015 Resource