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      GOAL | Earthquake Safety & Access Training (Members only content)

      NGO Security Management, Safety, Training, Duty of Care

      GOAL is an international humanitarian response agency established in Ireland over 40 years ago. GOAL works with the most vulnerable communities to help them respond to and recover from humanitarian crises, and to assist them build transcendent solutions to mitigate…

      Training Document, Member only 2024 English

      GISF 2024 Spring Forum Notes and Presentations | Washington, D.C. (Members only content)

      Climate, Context Analysis, Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Safety, Access

      Following GISF’s 2024 Spring Forum, which took place on 13 – 14 March in Washington, D.C., we are pleased to announce that the notes and presentations are now available for our members. Thanks to our range of speakers, we explored…

      GISF Forum Notes, Member only 2024 English GISF publication

      Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) | Event recap: Community engagement with armed actors

      Acceptance, Context Analysis, Access, Partnerships

      Earlier this month, HPG hosted a discussion on communities engaging in dialogue with armed actors to reduce violence and improve protection, and the implications this has on peace, humanitarian and protection actors. You can find the full event recap here.

      Briefing, Event recording 2024 English

      INSO | 2023 Snapshot Abductions of NGO Staff

      NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Safety

      This INSO report analyses data from across 16 high-risk countries where INSO had a field presence, providing an overview of abductions based on region, perpetrating actor, and motivation, alongside recommendations and contexts to watch for 2024. In 2023 INSO recorded 60…

      Report 2024 English

      Haiti March 2024 | GISF Roundtable Notes (Members only content)

      Acceptance, Context Analysis, Policy Guidance, Safety, Access

      On Friday, 22 March 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 pm GMT/ 08:00 am – 9:30 am EDT, GISF hosted a roundtable to provide members with an opportunity to share updates, ask questions and learn from others regarding the context in Haiti.…

      2024 English GISF publication

      Recording | State of Practice: The Evolution of Security Risk Management in the Humanitarian Space Launch Event (Washington,D.C.)

      Context Analysis, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Safety, Access

      On 21 February, GISF and Humanitarian Outcomes hosted an in-person launch of this new global report, assessing the current state of practice in humanitarian security risk management. Participants heard from one of the lead authors of this pivotal report documenting…

      Event recording 2024 English GISF publication