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Resource & Support Hub Webinar: Robust or Risky Recruitment

Image for Resource & Support Hub Webinar: Robust or Risky Recruitment
8 December 2020

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Resource & Support Hub Webinar: Robust or Risky Recruitment

Getting the HR function right for safeguarding is vital. Not only in in order to prevent people joining the organisation who are unsuitable to work with children and communities, but also to discipline staff or others who breach policies and codes of conduct.

This webinar looked at how recruitment can be strengthened through collaborations, with particular reference to smaller and less-resourced organisations. Gareth Price-Jones discussed the Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme, current practice and what may be holding people back around disclosure.

Sarah Maguire looked at the broader issues around recruitment and suggest a few ideas for organisations facing obstacles in putting the best intentions into practice.

Watch Below:

The presentation from this webinar is featured as a downloadable pdf above.

You can find out more about the webinar here: RSH Webinar: Robust or Risky Recruitment

You can access further information on the Resource & Support Hub’s Safeguarding Journey here: Human Resources
