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Guidance Material

Whistleblower protection guidance

Creating an environment that protects and enables reporters of misconduct or wrongdoing. Safe and effective whistleblowing protects everyone involved with aid: the people affected by crises, aid workers and the organisation itself. By identifying problems or harm, organisations can ensure…

22 Mar 2022 Resource

Formación sobre los robos

Un cómic, creado por Oxfam, para informar al personal sobre qué hacer en caso de robo.

10 Mar 2022 Resource

Formation sur les vols

Une bande dessinée, créée par Oxfam, pour informer le personnel de ce qu’il faut faire en cas de vol.

10 Mar 2022 Resource

Training about robberies

A comic, created by Oxfam, to inform staff about how to act in the event of a robbery.

10 Mar 2022 Resource

Formation pour les gardiens

Une bande dessinée, créée par Oxfam, pour informer les gardes sur les problèmes de sécurité et les SoP.

31 Jan 2022 Resource

Training for guards

A comic, created by Oxfam, to inform guards on security issues and SOPs.

31 Jan 2022 Resource

ACAPS – Humanitarian Access Overview

ACAPS Humanitarian Access Overview provides a snapshot of the most challenging contexts for humanitarian access. ACAPS analysts considered nine variables to rank and compare humanitarian access levels worldwide. Crisis-affected populations in more than 70 countries are not receiving the humanitarian…

13 Dec 2021 Resource