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GISF Inclusive Security Podcast Series

We are excited to announce the upcoming official launch of GISF’s New Inclusive Security Podcast Series. We invite you to follow along and not miss an episode of this dynamic series by subscribing to The GISF Podcast on your preferred listening platform, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts. This new Inclusive Security Series explores inclusivity through the lens of security risk management (SRM). It can be said that inclusivity is at the heart of successful SRM. Organisations have a responsibility to provide a duty of care to all staff. They must take all reasonable measures to protect their staff from foreseeable risks, including those that emerge due to an aid worker’s personal characteristics such as, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disabilities, sexual orientation etc. Security professionals need to have a comprehensive understanding of how personal identities and characteristics can impact personal security. This knowledge should be integrated into security polices and approaches so that they are inclusive and effective for all.

While it is important to design and create inclusive security policies and practices, operationalising inclusivity can come with challenges. What do security mangers need to know? How can they stay up to date and ultimately keep producing and designing inclusive security procedures? This podcast series explores the elements of inclusive security, what it is and what it looks like in the humanitarian context. These conversations are enriched by expert guests spanning security professionals, humanitarians, and more.

You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube by searching our title below:

Apple Podcasts: The GISF Podcast – Global Interagency Security Forum

Spotify: The GISF Podcast – Global Interagency Security Forum

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG0WPSZDUXET-Hyp9bDEYKQ


E1: Introducing a Person-Centered Approach

With Pegah Rajabi and Jean-Philippe Kiehl

E2: Operationalising Inclusivity

With Araba Cole, International Rescue Committee (IRC)

E3: Inclusive security at the UN

With Catherine Plumridge, UN Department of Safety & Security (UNDSS)

E4: Inclusive psychological safety

With Mo Ali, Coach & Co-founder of The Innovation

E5: Reflections on Inclusive SRM

Lisa Reilly, Executive Director (GISF)

E6: Security Managers of Today

Javeria Ayaz Malik, Global Safety and Security Lead (ActionAid International) and Chair of the International NGO Safety and Security Association (INSSA). 


The series production team included: Tara Arthur, Camila Shoeibi, Emily Daste, Next Day Podcast and special thanks to all guests and the GISF team.
