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Securing aid worker safety through effective budgeting

Over the summer of 2019, the European Interagency Security Forum (EISF) has been lobbying aid and donor organisations around the world. Aimed at improving the budgeting processes for aid worker safety and security, the ‘At What Cost?’ movement gained traction…

5 Nov 2019 Resource

The Employee Cycle and 13 Security Tips

These graphics were developed to give a basic overview of security considerations to be made throughout the employee cycle, from recruitment to termination. They were presented at the CHS Alliance Humanitarian Human Resources Conference 2019.

8 Oct 2019 Resource

How Sexual Misconduct Threatens the Security Industry

This article by Julie Anne Friend (2018) explores the under-discussed phenomenon of sexual misconduct in the security industry. The author discusses personal experiences and the experiences of others, and suggests specific ways in which the security sector can work together…

23 Jul 2019 Resource